Why You Don't Go to Church Anymore
Akerley, Ben Edward (1998) "The X-rated Bible". Focuses on Biblical portrayals of sex, homosexuality, rape, and other X-rated topics
Angeles, Peter A. (1997) "Critiques of God: Making the Case Against Belief in God" Articles by modern philosophers of the problem of God
Armstrong, Karen (1994) "A History of God: The 4,000 Year Question of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam". A history of monotheism written by one of the foremost writers on religion
Barker, Dan (2008) "Godless: How and Evangelical Preacher Became One of America’s Leading Atheist". This book is both an excellent source of atheist thought and a moving testimonial of one man’s climb from mythology to truth
Boghossian, Peter (2013) "A Manual for Creating Atheists" Teaches what the author calls “street epistemology,” by which those who believe in myths are challenged and helped to embrace reason
Boyd, Dr. Greg and Boyd, Edward K. (1973) "Letters from a Skeptic " A preacher and his skeptical father exchange letters designed to convert the father. One reason to read it: the holes in the preacher's arguments are so gaping that they’re both funny and infuriating. Sadly, the otherwise intelligent father doesn’t use his head, and converts.
Chamberlain, Paul (1996) “Can We Be Good Without God?” Explores morality without religion.
Conner, Jonah David (2017) "All That’s Wrong with the Bible: Contradictions, Absurdities, and More". A slim volume presenting many problems with the Holy Word
Dawkins, Richard (2006) "The God Delusion". Dawkins has written many books and papers on religious belief. This is my favorite. It shreds the typical arguments for God, demonstrates the irrationality of a belief in God, and describes the harm that religion has done from the Crusades to 9/11
Ehrman, Bart D. (2006) "Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changes the Bible and Why". Describes biblical apology and the creation of the Christian belief structure of yesterday and today
Graves, Kersey (2007) "The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors" A wonderful, unique book that compares Christian mythology to those of other, older religions
Hauser, Marc. “Moral Minds: How Nature Designed our Universal Sense of Right and Wrong” (2007) Explores universal morality.
Hitchens, Christopher (2009) "God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything." Like Dawkins, Hitchens has written extensively on religion. Here, in a very witty book, Hitchens attacks the malignant force of religion in our world
Hitchens, Christopher (Editor) (2007) "The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever". Hitchens compiled essays on religion from the most famous atheists. He includes Lucretius, Benedict de Spinoza, Mark Twain, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and dozens more
Klein, Peter (2018) "Beyond God: Why Religions are False, Outdated and Dangerous". Klein pits religion against science, and guess which wins out.
Loftus, John (Editor) (2010) The Christian Delusion: Why Faith Fails A collection of essays debunking Christian mythology on various topics, including the validity of the Bible, the morality of the Christian god, and the myth of Jesus
McAfee, David (2010) "Disproving Christianity and Other Secular Writings." In a brief book, McAfee compiles popular and less common arguments against Christianity
McAfee, David (2012) "Mom, Dad, I’m an Atheist: The Guide to Coming Out as a Nonbeliever". Many people hide the fact that they are atheists, but this causes others to assume that the people are Christians. Coming out can be hard. This book will help
McGown, Dale, PhD "Atheism for Dummies." Thorough overview of atheism
Miles, Jack "God: A Biography" This amazing book won the Pulitzer prize. Miles approaches God as the protagonist of a novel or biography. What is God’s life story? How has he changed over the years, and what led to those changes? What is his relationship with Man?
Navabi, Armin (2014). "Why There is no God" Answers to 20 common arguments for the existence of God
“The Onion,” a magazine based on satirical news headlines. [see Atheism for Dummies at 207 for more examples) Example: “Gay Teen Worried He Might Be Christian”
Park, Robert L. (2008) "Superstition – Belief in the Age of Science" Park writes about the relationship between religion and science, covering such topics as revolution, prayer, afterlife, morality, and the placebo effect
Pascual, Arturo Modelo (2010) "Scriptures – Sacred Writings of the World’s Religions" Covers both western and eastern religions and philosophies.
Renard, John (2012) The Handy Religion Answer Book Provides a basic education about the history and beliefs of western and eastern religion
Smith, George H. (1979) Atheism: "The Case Against God" A classic atheist treatise in a philosophical tone
Stenger, Victor (2007) "God, the Failed Hypothesis" Subtitled "How Science Shows that God Does Not Exist"
Templeton, Charles (1996) "Farewell to God: My Reasons for Rejecting the Christian Faith" Templeton was a major figure in Christian evangelical preaching. Doubts brought about a crisis in his faith, and this book is an explanation of that process
Wells, Steve (2013) "The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible " If you only buy one book from this list, make it this one. This is the entire Bible with commentary on each book and hundreds of verses. This is the very best way to get familiar with the Bible. Documentary Flemming, Brian (2005) "The God Who Wasn’t There" Made by a former believer who seeks to know if there is any truth in the religion in which he was indoctrinated as a child. Includes commentary and interviews with Sam Harris, Robert M. Price and Richard Carrier.
American Atheists www.atheists.org
American Humanist Association. www.americanhumanist.org
Americans United for Separation of Church and State www.au.org
Atheist Alliance International. www.atheistalliance.org
Atheist Nexus (social networking) www.atheistnexus.org
Center for Inquiry. www.centerforinquiry.net
Coalition of Reason www.unitedcor.org
Daylight Atheism www.bigthink.com/blog/daylight-atheism
Foundation Beyond Belief www.foundationbeyondbelief.org
Freedom from Religion Foundation www.ffrf.org
Institute for Humanist Studies www.humaniststudies.org
Internet Infidels www.infidels.org
The Jesus Puzzle. www.jesuspuzzle.com
The Military Association of Atheists. www.militaryatheists.org
Recovering from Religion www.recoveringfromreligion.org
The Richard Dawson Foundation for Reason and Science www.richarddawkins.net
Secular Coalition for American History www.secular.org
Secular Student Alliance www.secularstudents.org
Secular Therapist Project (helps people find a secular therapist) www.SecularTherapy.org
The Secular Web www.infidels.org
The Skeptics Annotate Bible website. www.skepticsannotatedbible.com
Atheist Shops
The Arrogant Atheist: Atheist shirts and accessories. Also has an atheist-themed blog and discussion forum.
Atheist Gear: Portal to clothing, religion-free news, and entertainment www.atheistgear.net
EvolveFISH: Dedicated to countering religious zealotry www.evolvefish.com
GodSwill Ministries: Heretic clothing and gear www.godswillchurch.com/store
The Atheist Experience Cable access TV show www.atheist-experience.com
Dogma Debate Encourages conservatives and religious leaders to debate freethinkers. www.dogmadebate.com
The Imaginary Friends Show Check it out – “Conversations with God” www.imaginaryfriendsshow.com
The Infidel Guy Call-in radio show www.infidelguy.com
Skepticality The podcast of the Skeptics Society and Skeptics magazine www.skepticality.com
Skeptically Speaking Interviews with authors, researchers and experts www.skepticallyspeaking.ca
The Thinking Atheist Weekly podcast www.thethinkingatheist.com
Social Networks/ Dating Sites
Atheist Dating Service Fastest growing co-op of atheist dating sites www.atheistdatingservice.com
Atheist Passions Free dating and social networking site for atheists and agnostics www.atheistpassions.com
Atheist Nexus: The world’s largest coalition of non-theists www.atheistnexus.org
AtheistSocial A social network for atheists, secular humanists, and freethinkers www.atheistsocial.com
Freethinker Match Dating website for freethinkers www.freethinkermatch.com
Think Atheist Social networking and news. Breaks misconceptions about atheism www.thinkatheist.com
Religious Literacy
Blessed Atheist Bible Study www.blessedatheist.com
The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible www.skepticsannotatedbible.com
Conventions, conferences and rallies dedicated to sharing the message of free thought
The Amazing Meeting
American Humanist Association Annual Conference
Committee for Skeptical Inquiry Convention
Freedom from Religion Foundation
Global Atheist Convention
Reason Rally